Procrastination: Strategies for Breaking the Habit

Do you you struggle to start with work even after you have thoroughly planned it but just getting started with it seems difficult?  You might have seen many motivational speakers on various platforms speaking about procrastination. They provide simple hacks to break this habit. Is breaking the habit of procrastination really this simple? If you… Continue reading Procrastination: Strategies for Breaking the Habit

Social Conformity: Why We Follow The Crowd

We tend to do things that our society rewards or appreciates. Humans are called social animals, and apparently, their behavior is influenced by their society, even if not recognized in the state of consciousness. You might have done something only because a majority of the people in your circle have done it. Peer influence is… Continue reading Social Conformity: Why We Follow The Crowd

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

There is a popular saying, “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.” It depicts that mental and physical well-being are deeply interconnected. The mind-body relationship has been explored by scientists and healthcare professionals for ages. The outcomes show that they affect each other in many ways. Some are apparent, whereas some are beyond our… Continue reading Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Adult Mental Health

A grown-up adult is the reflection of their childhood experiences. Childhood is like an unbaked clay pot you can carve into any shape. Similarly, childhood is the time when the experiences and traumas shape their forthcoming adulthood. In fact, they will remain with you the entire life. God forbid, if they are bad experiences, such… Continue reading The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Adult Mental Health

Setting Boundaries: How to Say ‘No’ Without Feeling Guilty?

.Is saying No a hard nut for you to crack? Well! You are not alone in this queue. There are more people like you who find it difficult to say no or define a boundary, thus allowing people to intrude in their personal space. It not only kills your mental peace and sanity but also… Continue reading Setting Boundaries: How to Say ‘No’ Without Feeling Guilty?

Quick Stress Busters: Activities to Calm Your Mind on Busy Days

Busy days are overwhelming, be they personal or professional. This feeling can start to convert into stress, leaving you devastated, thereby affecting your performance and efficiency. However, it is not a no-escape situation, and you can handle it with a few quick stress-bursting hacks. The secret is hidden in your mind only. You just have… Continue reading Quick Stress Busters: Activities to Calm Your Mind on Busy Days

Balancing Work and Life: Strategies for a Healthier Lifestyle

Work-life balance is one of the most debated topics of the current corporate ecosystem. What does it even mean, and why are we discussing it a lot? Well! Earlier, corporate employees used to work from their office location, which kept a clear line between their professional and personal lives. However, technology has enabled flexible work… Continue reading Balancing Work and Life: Strategies for a Healthier Lifestyle

The Psychology Behind Effective Communication in Relationships

Effective communication is crucial for a healthy relationship. It helps you talk your relationships issues out and keep misunderstandings at bay. On the contrary, if you are not addressing the pressing matters with your partner or avoid talking, it will make things worse with time. Effective communication is a two-way process, which needs you to… Continue reading The Psychology Behind Effective Communication in Relationships

Consequences of a Dysfunctional Family on Children

Conflicts can be common between two individuals, having a negligible effect on the other person. However, when issues or differences occur between the ones to whom we are closely related, it does create an impression on us. The same goes for the case of any family. Any issues between family members affect other members, specifically… Continue reading Consequences of a Dysfunctional Family on Children

A Complete Guide of Social Anxiety Disorder

Have you ever felt uneasy or worried before a first date or public speech, this might just classify as shyness or nervousness. There are some who may experience severe feelings brought on by these circumstances, including a racing heart, continuous anxiety, and an overpowering feeling of unease. This elevated emotional reaction is commonly known as… Continue reading A Complete Guide of Social Anxiety Disorder