Why Companies Need to Invest in Employee Well-Being Program?

Invest in Employee Well-Being Program

Today’s corporate realm is crowded and competitive, which brings sales profit, company growth, and productivity into focus, but employees’ wellness is often passed over. Agree? However, forward-thinking employers or owners are now realizing that investing in an employee well-being program also contributes to their company’s growth. It’s because employees are the vital spirit that brings desired productivity and drives a company’s success.

In today’s blog, we will learn about how employee wellness initiatives and programs are beneficial for both employers and employees.

You can connect with Reflect Within at +91 8928467288 for more information and professional help!

What is An Employee Well-Being Program?

Undoubtedly, employees are the valuable assets and the life force that induces a company’s success. So, why shouldn’t companies also take care of them? Here comes the role of an employee well-being program. It’s an initiative undertaken by a company owner or employer to improve the health and wellness of their workforce. Such wellness programs also help employees overcome any specific health-related issue, providing them with complete care.

These programs include compulsory employee training, occupational stress management initiatives, and seminars on improving work-life balance, overcoming mental health issues, and many more wellness benefits. Concerning the current business and corporate industry, which is growing fast and might be pressuring the workforce, it’s now more important to focus on their health, fitness, and general well-being. A number of factors can prominently cause mental and physical health issues among employees, which we will discuss later in this post.

No doubt, fitter and happier employees are more efficient and perform well by staying focused on their job role. To bring such a happier workforce, employers must incorporate workplace wellness programs in their company policies.

What Can Bring Stress to the Workplace Causing Health Issues?

We all face work pressure and stress at the workplace, which sometimes may bring significant problems to one’s mental and physical health. Let’s have a quick check at the below-given factors causing employee stress:

  • No moral support and appreciation
  • Excessive workload with tight deadlines
  • Not-so-good relationships with colleagues or employers
  • Job dissatisfaction and over-demanding work culture
  • Low salary package and overtime demands
  • Lack of team support or collaboration with other teammates
  • No growth or opportunities to learn or polish skills

Why Implementing Workplace Wellness Programs is a Good Idea?

Investing in workplace wellness programs is more than a too-wholesome gesture and a strategic shift that’s worth it in multiple ways. Have a look at the penned-down benefits to understand how:

Enhanced Employee Morale

As mentioned above, fitter employees are happier, and happiest when they feel valued and appreciated by their managers or employers. Wellness programs offer a number of wellness benefits to the employees, making them enthusiastic, and more dedicated toward the company.

Decreased Employee Absenteeism

Another notable benefit of implementing workplace wellness programs is reduced employee absenteeism. Since, these programs are meant to improve the health and wellness of company employees, which results in less absenteeism and employee retention. After participating in wellness programs, employees are healthier, focused, suffer less stress, and attend office regularly.

Higher Productivity

Apparently, a healthy and attentive workforce brings desired productivity and optimum growth to the company. Corporate wellness programs play a pivotal role in encouraging employees eat good, healthily, perform daily exercises, and do mind-refreshing activities. Eventually, this good health behavior helps employees stay productive and work happily at the workplace.

Improved Employees’ Performance

Again, when employees are mentally and physically fit, their performance at the workplace escalates. Workplace wellness initiatives, healthy lifestyle, and fitness programs introduced by employers is therefore a strategic move as it improves employee’s health while enhancing their job performance. The daily activities and tasks of wellness initiatives are enough to liven up employees and serve their best for the company’s growth.

Attract Potential Joiners

One of the prime benefits that an employer could enjoy from workplace wellness initiatives is increased recruitment. In today’s crowded corporate culture, there’s a huge competition when it comes to hiring or recruitment. However, any potential job seeker would definitely say yes to a company not only offering a good annual package but health or wellness benefits as well.

Increased Job Satisfaction and Loyalty

Undoubtedly yes! Corporate wellness programs increase employees’ job satisfaction and loyalty, which is more than an asset for any company employer. When employees feel appreciated, valued, and cared about them, they also feel fulfilment, making them loyal and stay for a longer in their job roles

Reduced Healthcare Costs

Of course, when you run a company with healthy workforce, you are saving notable healthcare expenses. Workplace healthcare programs significantly focus on preventive care, lifestyle-related issues, and address potential chronic diseases of company’s employees. By introducing these programs, companies proactively support employees’ physical well-being, mental wellness, and support employees with insurance claims.

Good Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and life are an integral aspect for all the employees and employers as well. For this, the employee well-being and fitness programs can be the best initiatives. Such programs not only enhance employees’ physical health and wellness but also boost their confidence, morale, self-esteem, and much more.

Reduce Stress at the Workplace

Stress at workplace is common among employees, but it’s consequences can be harmful for one’s physical and mental well-being. Fortunately, these days, the forward-thinking employers and owners are incorporating wellness and fitness programs, helping employees reduce work pressure and stress at workplace.

How to Establish an Employee Wellness Program?

To successfully establish an employee wellness program, companies must undertake the following steps:

Set Goals for Employee Benefits

While establishing a wellness initiative, it’s important to ensure the program encompasses all the essential and required aspects to support the company employees. Also, make sure your employee wellness program caters to the needs of your company workforce.

Allot Tasks to the Dedicated Team

While establishing the wellness initiatives in your company, you need to set up everything with a dedicated team, who is capable of tackling all the aspects of the program. Allot tasks accordingly and ask your team to promote all the health and wellness activities within the company to draw attention of the entire workforce.

Collect Required Data & Make Plans

You need to collect the right data regarding your employees’ health specifications and needs. Let your well-being program include all the health and wellness activities that benefits your employees. For this, you can conduct face-to-face meetings and internal surveys, prepare questionnaires, and then plan accordingly to learn about the areas that need to be managed within the workplace for employee well-being.

Promote and Convey the Program

The workplace healthcare programs that you’re conducting must be conveyed to your company employees. Everyone should be aware of the same and the related schemes or activities. Try to effectively promote the program within your company to help employees understand the importance of wellness and its positive outcomes.

Contact Reflect Within for More!

Today’s corporate work culture is competitive, and one can suffer severe stressful events, impacting one’s mental and physical health while trying to beat the work pressure and competition. However, if employees get benefits from employee wellness and fitness programs, it can be fruitful for both employers and employees. We hope this blog has helped you understand how beneficial it is to incorporate an employee well-being program within a company. For more information regarding this, you can connect with Reflect Within at +91 8928467288.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1 – What does the Employee Wellness Benefits mean?

Basically, employee wellness benefits cover the indirect pay of an employee providing them the assured sick leaves, health-improving programs, and stress-management initiatives.

Question 2 – What are the different levels of Employee Wellness Programs?

When a company establish an employee wellness program, they must incorporate all the three levels, including a basic-level program, a great program, and an exceptional program.

Question 3 – Why should company owners invest in Employee Health and Wellness Activities?

By investing in organizing health and wellness programs within a company, employers can avail perks such as enhanced employee performance, increased morale, higher recruitment and employee retention, assured work-life balance, and healthier or happier workforce.

Question 4 – What Workplace Wellness Initiatives can be incorporated within a company?

Employers can introduce initiatives like healthy lunch breaks and cafeteria with refreshing snacks, assistance programs for personally supporting employees with any substance consumption, fitness programs, etc.

Question 5 – How can you connect with professionals for more information on Employee Well-being Programs?

You can contact Reflect Within at +91 8928467288 for professional support and queries regarding the employee well-being program.