
This privacy policy contains all the privacy practices acquired by and for Reflect Within – a Centre for Psychological and Emotional Well Being.

By visiting our website, you understand and agree to the terms and conditions set herein in this Privacy Policy. It is humbly requested to each user to peruse this policy carefully. By using our website, you indicate your interest and understand, agree and consent to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to review this Policy without any prior intimation from time to time.

Reflect Within is India’s trusted organisation for psychological and emotional well-being. We offer a range of therapy services, for Individuals, Corporates and Educational Enterprises globally. We also provide clinical and psycho-educational reports such as Learning Disability report approved and signed by RCI certified clinical psychologists and psychiatrist.

A disclaimer on our mental health website is a vital statement clarifying that the information presented is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We caution against self-diagnosis and self-treatment based solely on the content provided, as mental health conditions are complex and require personalised evaluation by qualified professionals. Visiting our website does not establish a therapeutic relationship, and in case of a mental health emergency, users are advised to contact local emergency services in your nearest hospitals. Users are encouraged to review our terms of use and privacy policy for information on data handling and website usage rules. This disclaimer serves to manage expectations and guide users responsibly through our mental health resources.